Teste da aula 1 do
Curso de Inglês Intermediário
1 - Qual é a tradução da seguinte frase? "Eu posso cuidar de mim mesmo"
I can take care of meself
I can taking care of myself
I can take care of myself
I can take care of herself
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2 - Assinale a frase que faz o uso correto do "can" ou "could":
We sure could used you
I wish I can explore the woods
You can spend it with a free conscience
We could say he have excellent taste
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3 - Qual é a tradução da seguinte frase? "Não havia nada que ele pudesse fazer"
There wasn't nothing he could do
There was nothing he could do
There haven't nothing he could do
There were nothing he could do
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4 - Assinale a frase que faz o uso incorreto do "can" ou "could":
Yes, can you believe the luck?
That is the least we can does
Dear friend, I can do nothing
I can do it
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5 - Qual a ordem certa da seguinte frase? "could/you/yourself/hear/I/talking/wish"
I wish you could hear talking yourself
I wish hear could you yourself talking
I wish could you hear yourself talking
I wish you could hear yourself talking
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