Teste da aula 1 do
Curso de Inglês para Hotelaria e Turismo
1 - Como se diz 2:55 em inglês?
It's five past three.
It's five past two.
It's five to two.
It's five to three.
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2 - Como se diz 2:40 em inglês?
It's twenty to three.
It is ten past eight.
It's twenty to two.
It's twenty past three.
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3 - Como se diz 3:00 em inglês?
It is seven o’clock.
It is ten o’clock.
It is three o’clock.
It is nine o’clock.
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4 - Como se diz 8:10 em inglês?
It is twenty past six.
It is ten past eight.
It is five past two.
It is twenty-five past.
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5 - Como se diz 6:20 em inglês?
It is ten past eight.
It is twenty past six.
It is five past six.
It is twenty six past.
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